
Legacy Fund

The Legacy Fund is a meaningful way for you to leave a Legacy at Trinity Lutheran Church. By giving to the Legacy Fund through gifts or bequests, your donation is gathered with the gifts of fellow members, allowing Trinity Lutheran Church to meet needs that reach beyond the congregation’s regular operating budget. This includes missions, outreach in our community, and capital improvement projects.

You Can Give in Three Simple Ways

  • Within Trinity
  • Within the Community
  • Beyond our Church and Community

How Can We Participate?

  • Bequest by Will or Trust: Trinity can be named for a specified amount or percentage of your estate.
  • Outright Lifetime Gift: Give an outright gift of cash, stocks, or real estate while you’re living.
  • Charitable Remainder Trust: Avoids capital gains taxes on highly appreciated assets and provides you (and loved ones) with a larger income stream than if you sold the assets and reinvested the after-tax proceeds. The “remainder” (assets left when the trust terminates) goes to the church.
  • Charitable Lead Trust: Pays fixed or variable income to the church for a specific term of years. The principal is retained for your heirs.
  • Life Insurance or Annuity: Contribute a policy you no longer need. Provides possible tax deductions.
  • IRAs, 401k, 403b Plans: Because these assets can be subject to both income and estate taxes at death, designating the church as beneficiary can avoid taxes and maximize the value of the assets.

Charitable Gift Annuity

Thanks to new legislation, anyone with an IRA who is 70.5 or older can now make a one-time gift to Trinity for up to $53,000 to fund a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA). Want to learn more? Watch the video below – or contact Pastor Dan Gerrietts. Trinity’s Legacy Committee can work with your investment to facilitate the process.

If you would like more information, or to speak with one of our Legacy advisors, please CONTACT US.
