
Trinity Lutheran Church has numerous communications that go out on a weekly (and monthly) basis! We have the following forms of communication:

Email Newsletters

Trinity currently has five newsletters that go out at various times during the month: 
eNews Newsletter – Latest News, Events, and Information about the church – once a week
Weekend Worship – Information regarding the upcoming weekend’s worship services – once a week
Faith & Wellness Newsletter – Information regarding our Faith & Wellness Outreach programs – once a month
Trinity Connection Newsletter – Latest News, Events, and Information about the church – once a month
Youth News – Information regarding all activities, news, and scheduling for Trinity’s Youth ages 0 – 18 (and their friends! Families and children in the community are welcome!) – once a month

Please fill out the form below if you would like to receive any or all of these newsletters. 

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Choose the Newsletter(s) You'd Like to Receive

PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to CHANGE which newsletters you receive, please email Ashley to update your preferences.
