Mission and Values

Our Mission Statement

We are called to share God’s healing love through Christ’s forgiveness and our personal servanthood.

Our Core Values – C.L.E.A.R.

Courageous Mission and Service

  • As a Servant Church, we take pride in strengthening the lives of the less fortunate in our neighborhood and around the world
  • Our approach to serving others is shaped by Jesus, who washed his disciples feet, and once said, “As you did it to the least of these . . . you did it to me”  (Matthew 25:40)
  • We believe God’s grace has a way of drawing us away from our need to care only for ourselves, and opening us up to the needs of the world and our neighbor
  • God calls and equips all people to lives of daring service, and this calling begins where our “deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet”*
    * Fredrick Buechner, Wishful Thinking: A Theological ABC 

Lifelong Faith Formation

  • Faith isn’t taught as much as it’s caught – through close relationships, sharing, serving, and studying with others
  • Recognizing that our lives are unfinished products, we seek ways to grow in understanding and strengthen our relationship with God our whole lives through
  • Adult learning is important at Trinity
  • We also never pretend to have all the answers, rather seeking good questions that draw people into the mystery of God’s work in our world

Extraordinary Generosity 

  • Trinity practices extraordinary generosity through the support of local, synodical, and churchwide partnerships and ministries
  • We strive to speak confidently and faithfully about money, time, generosity and the difference giving makes for God’s mission in the life of the giver
  • Our generosity is fueled by the individual joy and commitment of our members as they respond to God’s abundance
  • God uses our giving to reconfigure our interior lives and form us anew
  • We teach and practice proportional giving with the goal of tithing

Authentic Worship

  • Worship is the center of our life together
  • Our faith is grounded in the God of grace who meets us in Word and Sacrament
  • We honor the liturgy, music and preaching of our Lutheran heritage, while always seeking fresh and meaningful ways to offer thanks to God
  • Worship, at its best, is the work of the people – everyone participates in singing praise, receiving communion, offering prayers, and sharing Christ’s peace

Radical Hospitality

  • At Trinity all people are welcomed and valued
  • This welcome stems from Jesus Christ who names and claims us as God’s own, not because of who we are (or aren’t), not because of what we have done (or haven’t done), but solely out of grace, God’s undeserved love for us
  • We seek to be a gathering place for other community service groups and organizations
  • We take seriously the biblical understanding of the church as the Body of Christ. Each and every one of us has an important role to play in the community of faith 