Letter from Pastor Kathy

May 2, 2022 Letter From Our Pastor By: Ashley Morrison
Pastor Kathy

Dear Trinity Members and Friends,

For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1

This Bible verse has been a helpful principle in my life for many years and for many reasons.  It continues to guide me as I anticipate where God may be leading Trinity in this new season: as we welcome Pastor
Daniel Hanson, transition out of the pandemic, move forward from celebrating our 150th anniversary, and anticipate new ways of sharing Christ’s healing love in the world.  After much prayer and discernment around these ideas and more, I have decided to retire as Pastor of Spiritual Care at the end of June 2022.

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as one of your pastors over the last 16 years.  We have
experienced a lot of life together: births, baptisms, confirmations, graduations, weddings, trips, changes,
diagnoses, illnesses, bazaars, transitions, deaths, funerals, and so much more.  You have allowed me the sacred privilege of entering in to some of life’s biggest challenges and of sharing with you some great
celebrations.  Thank you for granting me the honor of walking with you. 

Trinity’s faithful ministry and mission has taught me so much about generosity and serving.  It has been a gift to work alongside tremendous pastors, extraordinary staff and so many dedicated and caring people reaching out to our community and beyond. There are many people and things that I will miss but I will
always be grateful for what we have experienced together and for lasting relationships. 

After I retire, I won’t be able to conduct or participate in events such as funerals, weddings, baptisms, or any other functions normally carried out by a pastor in a congregation.   This makes sense in order to respect the ongoing integrity of ministry at Trinity.  Thank you for your understanding.

I wish I could have met with all of you individually to share this news.   Hearing about my retirement through a letter may seem impersonal, but in order for the majority of people to hear the news at approximately the same time, it seemed to be the best means of communication.  With only two months before I retire, I also may not have a chance to personally say good-bye to all of our homebound and senior members.   Please know how much you have blessed me and meant to me through the years. 

My husband, Kirk, joins me in thanking you for the joy of being part of Trinity.  We plan to stay in Mason City but also expect to spend some extended time at our lake home in Ely, Minnesota, and go south for part of Iowa’s cold winter months. 

May you experience the grace and love of God in all the seasons of your life.

Peace and joy,
Pastor Kathy


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