The Bulletin Volunteers

Volunteering at Trinity can certainly form lasting relationships when people get together once a week to complete a necessary job. This is what happened with the Bulletin Crew consisting of Audrey Warner, Doris Wearda, Charlene Ostmo, and Judy Bohn.
Warner and Wearda happen to be neighbors who have lived next to each other for around 60 years. When Wearda asked Warner if she’d like to help put Trinity’s bulletins together, she said yes to the opportunity. They’ve been assembling the bulletins for so long they’ve almost lost count of the years. Both women agree that this is something very worthwhile. “I feel like I’m giving back to the church,” Warner said. “I feel like it’s a contribution. We’re doing it for God.”

On a snowy Friday morning, these two had to do double duty since one person couldn’t get out of her snow-filled driveway, and the other had been in the hospital. When all four are working, the whole process takes about an hour. The day’s task was doubled because of a Christmas Eve bulletin, but the two worked diligently, egging each other on and laughing all the while.
This crew once had a 5th person, Alberta Cresswell, who passed away recently. Warner said that Cresswell helped for a long time and loved the companionship. “I miss her,” Warner said. “She was a good girl. She’s in a better place, though….” Wearda mentioned that she used to give Cresswell a ride to Trinity to help with the bulletins. “I didn’t mind picking her up all the time. I took her to doctor’s appointments, too,” Wearda said.
Lou Ann Rossler, the supervisor of this crew, also chimed in about Cresswell. “Alberta was dedicated!” she exclaimed. She came with her walker, and she just loved to come!” Rossler said that this bulletin crew provides a great service for Trinity. “A lot of it is the friendship!” she added. “They’re always laughing!”
Warner agreed, “This is a fun, relaxed group! We do work the whole time we’re here! I miss the other two… don’t you?” Wearda nodded in agreement. These two work, talk and laugh together…and even “keep tabs” on each other. “I don’t think these are stapled, Girl,” Warner teased Wearda. “I gotta keep her on her toes!”
What one person doesn’t catch, the other will. For example, sometimes, the stapler can cause problems. Wearda said, “Audrey’s our mechanic when we get something stuck!” She handed a bulletin across the table to her neighbor and laughed, “This one needs ‘surgery,’ too!” As Warner expertly fixed an errant staple, she said, “Char is the one who can staple fast, isn’t she?” Wearda agreed. “We are very proud of our bulletins!” said Warner, and it shows. They agreed that it’s “not a hard job,” but it’s important as they are helping the church.
When all four women are together, each has her own spot…just like at a family dinner table. Warner said, “Char and I sit together, and she and Judy sit together.” In a phone interview, Ostmo said, “We know exactly where to go and what to do!” She, too, has been on the Bulletin Crew “a long, long time” and does it because “it’s good to socialize with the others in the group.” She always looks forward to it every week. She offered advice for anyone looking for a volunteer opportunity at Trinity: “Just do it! You’ll enjoy it! It’s good just getting together with other people, and you get to be a ‘chosen’ group!”
Back at the table with the long-time neighbors, the women said they didn’t mind staying a little longer on this particular day. Warner looked across the table at Wearda and teased, “I don’t have a hot date… Do YOU?!?” If laughter is indeed good medicine, these two are in great shape. Warner said, “You’ll have to excuse us…I tease a lot!” In the next breath, she pointed to Wearda and said, “She doesn’t talk much…but when she DOES… she’s a pistol!” And once again…cue the laughter!
Both Warner and Wearda have helped with the Bazaar, and Warner is scheduled to help serve coffee between church services. For women in “advanced” ages, they are sharp as tacks and fun to be around. Warner summed up their experiences over the years: “I feel closer to God when I’m here. I miss coming here when I have to miss it. It’s something I look forward to!” She was going to add another thought and, instead, looked at Wearda and said, “I just had a ‘senior moment.’” Wearda grinned and answered, “I had one, too!”
Laughter. Fellowship. Serving God by assembling material everyone needs in Trinity’s church services. Thank you to the Bulletin Crew for your years of faithful service. May you always find the humor in the little things…and thank you for sharing it with the rest of us! (Not pictured: Charlene Ostmo & Judy Bohn)