What’s Next

A high school friend used to say this whenever my driving got erratic. (I tend to talk with my hands, even in the car. And look around a lot. Apparently, this is distressing for passengers!)
My friend’s advice might apply to the church, too. It’s good to look back. It’s important to remember. But are we also looking ahead? Are we discerning what is next, where God is leading us now? Nostalgia is seductive. But as scripture often reminds us, God is far more interested in where we are headed than where we have been. “Remember not the former things,” Isaiah 43 says, “I am doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it?” Windshield words, for sure.
Over these past 12 months, Trinity’s leadership and staff have spent a good deal of time discerning the next steps for our congregation. 2024 brought new staff, new members, increases in worship attendance and outreach programs, and an overall sense that we are ready for a new season of mission.
Trinity’s Council and Staff spent about six months this past year praying and listening for God’s guidance. Rooted in our mission and values, and with help from an outside consult, we engaged in a Strength/Weakness/Opportunities/Threats (SWOT) process that led us to five strategic initiatives for the coming 1-2 years:
· Create a Digital Ministry Advisory Team
· Explore alternative revenue streams for mission
· Recruit and equip lay leaders for key ministry roles
· Evaluate how people are being fed at TLC (worship, faith, relationships, etc.)
· Explore partnerships with other ministry sites
Our staff and lay leaders have already begun work on specific projects under each of these five initiatives. As you might guess, some of these focus areas are fairly straightforward. Others will require further study, questions, and conversation.
This is where we need your help. Over the coming weeks, there will be opportunities for all Trinity members to reflect and provide feedback on questions specific to the SWOT Initiatives identified by our leadership. We want you to help us listen for the Spirit’s guiding – and to help further focus our work together.
Stay tuned for more on how you can get involved. In the meantime, continue to pray for God’s abundant blessing upon Trinity’s servant work, and Christ’s healing love among us. With eyes forward and grace-filled hearts, let us see what God has next for TLC!
In Christ,
Pastor Dan Gerrietts